Crafty in the Med

I am here to enjoy meeting other bloggers and to share my love of craft ,mostly crochet, my thoughts and my daily happenings here in Alicante,Spain, my adopted country. I belong to a local choir because singing and music makes me happy. Flea markets and book shops are two of my favourite places to be. I read lots......sci´fi/fantasy,buried treasure, and off world adventures. I have a passion for history! I walk and walk and walk for about 10 months per year during the hot months I swim.

Saturday 9 March 2013

Late but not forgotten!

And from a far

New Zealand...such an incredibly beautiful country
over there across the seas

 my swap partner Kimberley at Creative chaos has sent me a swap parcel which I received last week.

A smashing swap parcel all the way from New Zealand does not deserve a middling few lines in a post added in a hurry ,therefore I have had to wait as usual to the weekend to be able to write up a decent post to present the contents of Kimberly's swap parcel.
We are participating in  the Four happy things swap hosted by Mrs Bobobun at Bobo Bun
Ahhhh but its exciting to receive a parcel full of happy things.

What caught my eye straight away of course is that the parcel's contents arrived in a light chevron striped beach bag,which will be ideal for our beach trips.I like to travel light when we go to the beach  and this bag will be perfect.

The chocolate was demolished in a question of seconds and hubby,Sr P,liked the pineapple one best.

I have now got two more bits to add to my Winnie pooh bear hoard and its great because these are the first erasers I've received.
 Kimberley has sent me a cross-stitch kit. Lovely dark linen which will make a perfect backdrop for the cross-stitch initials on the enclosed chart.

And just look at this gorgeous yarn.....Its pure wool too and a beautiful shade of green. It will be used for something special.

I am so lucky Kimberley has also sent me some crochet hooks. I never have enough of these.

Thats not all either a handknitted dishcloth and some vintage napkins completes the very generous contents of  a very happily received parcel.
Thank You so much Kimberley!

Kimberley has finally received my swap parcel ...... I can now breathe easy as it has not gone astray. I did the silliest thing , I forgot to take photos of the contents of my parcel ...tch!
This means I shall have to wait until Kimberley posts about the parcel on her blog and with her permission pinch a couple of her photos to show off what I made for her on my blog too.

The Med
I've had a surprise visitor from someone who lives in the Med.
This little chappie popped in for a visit. He says his name is ITTLE,quite a nosey lad!

He,s been bopping about here and there throughout my place and he doesn't like having his photo taken very much! Anyhow he says he won't be here for long as he misses his Mum.

Crocheted using Nยบ 5 Perle cotton & Nยบ 2.50 hook. Pattern from here

Have a great weekend!

Amanda :-)


  1. I'm really glad you enjoyed taking part Amanda and received such a fab parcel. Things in the post really do give a day sparkle.


  2. Some great goodies you got there. Pineapple chocolate sounds delicious. And this little new friend of yours turned out so adorable :)

  3. I received my Four Happy Things swap yesterday Amanda, will show all next week!

    Lvely swap, I do love these, don't you?

    Enjoy your Sunday

    Love Claire xxx

  4. What a lovely parcel of crafty goodness Amanda!...I love your latest little make too...he's so sweet!
    Wishing you a lovely Mothering Sunday,
    Susan x

  5. Manda, you are one lucky girl, wonderful swap. Everything is so special.
    Hugs to you,

  6. Amanda, what a wonderful swap; I love being a part of this generous blogging community that shares, XOXO

  7. What a fabulous bundle of goodies for you. The wool is a gorgeous green .Ittle is very very sweet!

  8. what an awesome bag of fun and happiness-beautiful shade of green wool-love that too and I love that cute little knitted whale-too sweet-enjoy your week ahead

  9. I've missed you, Amanda......not your fault, but mine :-) It has been fun catching up on your, celebrations, sewing, awards and swaps since the fish funeral beginning of Lent! In the midst of having many good days I am a little sad that I have such an unrealistic sense of how much time it takes me to do the many projects on my want-to-do-list :-( But your lovely posts are an encouragement to me to truly enjoy and appreciate the joys of the moment. I especially appreciate your determination to master using your sewing machine since that is something I want to do as well. Wishing you peace and rest and joy in your busy days,


Thank you for your comments. I do read them and try to reply to all as well.Please keep them coming. Amanda :-)