Crafty in the Med

I am here to enjoy meeting other bloggers and to share my love of craft ,mostly crochet, my thoughts and my daily happenings here in Alicante,Spain, my adopted country. I belong to a local choir because singing and music makes me happy. Flea markets and book shops are two of my favourite places to be. I read lots......sci´fi/fantasy,buried treasure, and off world adventures. I have a passion for history! I walk and walk and walk for about 10 months per year during the hot months I swim.

Saturday 5 April 2014

B..B..B..B..B for Bonnets

 March brought with it a continuation of the blustery gale like weather Alicante has been experiencing these last few months and very little rain...quite tedious! It seems although the sharp chill in the air has decreased and we have some lovely blue skies, the strong winds are still with us!

Last Sunday we decided to turn towards  the other side of Alicante for our Sunday outing.

As we were at a bit of an odds with the change in hour we left the house later than we usually do. This meant we couldn't go too far afield so we went down to the Sailing club at the end of the Postiguet Beach. We wanted to see how much progress the council had made with the continuation of the new promenade. It was still a dirt track but more kilometers had been cleared so we could walk quite a way and in fact link up with the Albufereta beach. It is a beach we hadn't been to for quite some years.
It was a great walk and even more so as you can see from these photos as the sea was quite vocal and wild that morning. It can certainly not compare with the ferocious Atlantic and the terrible storms in Galicia or the UK over the previous months at all. This was a mini spectacle in comparison  in fact I'd say it was quite enjoyable and drew forth quite a few spectators.

Why do we get so excited when we see big waves???

At least the public there didn't do stupid ,daft things like I had seen on TV coverage and on the web during the big storms elsewhere. I wish people would learn that you don't mess with Mother Nature....silly people!     
Now then...... The Med is a usually a quiet sea which gets a bit irate occasionally but it is blessed with a calm nature most of the time.
It was a bit upset last Sunday!

The Spanish fishermen call the sea La Mar using the feminine gender when they refer to HER temperament ....she wasn't her normal splendid greeny blue at all that morning!

Mind you the sun still shone and managed to evade the clouds....

Sr P doesn't much like having his photo taken so get used to seeing his back .... I've given up asking him to turn around!!!!


I've just finished another Beanie for my little great niece. I think I have been influenced by the March Winds as it it is quite curly and has a big breezy flower on the top. My own pattern. I just went along adding this and that ..very free di dah!!!

 It seems to be all beanies now and I'm getting quite fed up of them;making them that is!
I decided to turn back to a more vintage style and found this adorable pattern at KatieCooksand Crafts  which I made up for my other great niece.

 Are you shocked by the colour? I didn't want to make it in a traditional pastel color. I had this urge for something totally different and as my 15 month old great niece is a red head I thought green would do nicely.

The front looks a little drab but when you turn it around there's a shine of colour there on the back.

I so enjoyed making it.

 I used the nice soft Coats SMC Micro Grande in all colours and a NΒΊ 4 hook and it was made in a jiffy.

Good news for  all.
Emma at the Log Cabin is back with a lovely new blog called Cosy Red and she would be delighted if old and new followers could pop in to say hello.

Enjoy your weekend!!

Amanda :-)


  1. I love the waves, we have pretty quiet water here on The Gulf of Mexico, so waves are always exciting. Love the sweet hats.

  2. I love the sea in all it's moods, lovely photo's Amanda. I love your hats the little bonnet is lovely, I like the colour and the surprise flower at the back. :)

  3. Hi Linda

    Thanks for visiting. I have to admit like you I love the sea and it forms an important part of my life. I was a little hesitant about the green I used just hope my niece likes it for little one.
    A xx

  4. I feel totally intoxicated with all that good sea air. I like the bonnets, especially that vintage look which makes me think of the prairies.

    1. That is exactly what I thought Elaine .....there seems to be a little house on the prairie look about it!

      Thanks for visiting always keen to hear from you.

      A xx

  5. Wow, love the look of the Med when she is feeling a bit miffed! We actually saw RAIN when visiting Granada this year, which gave the city a different kind of beauty. How I love that place....


    PS Sr P is the same as my DH, never wants his photo taken - spoilsport!!

  6. Dear Amanda,i love the sea,even if its with big waves or calm!!Great shots!!Your hats are so preety and cute!!
    Wish you a lovely new week!!

  7. We're about 2 hours from the beach and I do miss seeing the water when we lived in the Seattle area. Your views are spectacular and it's definitely are my list to visit one day, XOXO

  8. Wonderful photos of the not so calm Med, Amanda! Big waves do always look exciting and draw a crowd! I love being beside the sea and watching the waves, large or small, but it is scary to see the havoc huge storms can cause.
    Your crochet hats are really beautiful, I love the beanie with the big flower on top, and the bonnet is so adorable, and a nice touch to add the daisy to the back like that!
    Wishing you a happy cheery week in the med.....hope the winds die down now.
    Helen xox

  9. Big waves dont hold any fascination for me I am terrified of them. You see so many people taking small babies in pushchairs to the very edge of sea walls and it scares the life out of me. I dont know if it is just that they dont see the dangers.

    1. I really enjoy a wild sea as a spectator but I fully realize it's strength. You can feel it anyhow like yourself I just don't understand people with kiddies taking such risks!
      Many thanks for visiting!

      A x

  10. Amanda

    The waves intrigue us too and we are just talking about Great Lakes. Lake Michigan acts like an ocean. Dangerous rip currents and a history of sinking ships . We love the waves.

    Your aqua hat bonnet is about the cutest thing I've seen in blogland recently

  11. What is it about angry seas and huge crashing waves that fascinates us? It is strange!! Love the bonnet, especially the flower at the back, very sweet! Pat xx

  12. Oh my goodness...Mother Nature can be such an awesome lady at times Amanda!
    Love your little crochet hats...although whenever you say 'great' nieces I think how can that be? :-) definitely look far too young m'dear!
    Happy New Week!
    Susan x

  13. Hi Amanda, I love where you live! It looks so lovely. Love the hats you've made, the green one looks like an old fashioned bonnet. Thanks for the shout out. Lots of love xxx

  14. It's exciting to see the big waves crash in! I would love to see it in person....and hear it! And I love the sweet crochet hats you're making! The flower designs make them very sweet! Enjoy your weekend! Hugs, Diane

  15. I never tire of seeing the sea, Amanda, and love the photos you shared of it. I also think your hats are very clever! I would especially like to try crocheting a bonnet some time. My latest experiment [my last post] was using a knit 10" by10" square to make a bunny. It was super simple and fun to make and I think I could make one using a crocheted square, but have not tried yet...but hope to :)


Thank you for your comments. I do read them and try to reply to all as well.Please keep them coming. Amanda :-)