Crafty in the Med

I am here to enjoy meeting other bloggers and to share my love of craft ,mostly crochet, my thoughts and my daily happenings here in Alicante,Spain, my adopted country. I belong to a local choir because singing and music makes me happy. Flea markets and book shops are two of my favourite places to be. I read lots......sci´fi/fantasy,buried treasure, and off world adventures. I have a passion for history! I walk and walk and walk for about 10 months per year during the hot months I swim.

Wednesday 30 March 2022

Coastal Wetlands


The Coastal wetlands at the Clot de Galvany are really thriving especially as there has been two weeks of continuous rain. I have posted about this vale several times before but it is a place that is ever changing.  I can take photos of the ponds time and time again and they would all be different.

There are a number of pools there and they are full to the brim thanks to the rain which has been so constant recently. This wetland has a number of pools and it is all connected to the dunes and pine forests of El Carabassí beach. 

It was drizzling when we entered the vale so there weren't many people around. The Alicantinos run for cover as soon as it starts to drizzle. Personally we like a walk in the rain as the air is fresher and cleaner and the smell of the rain and the scent from the plants and the wet earth makes us feel good. They even say walking regularly in the rain helps one burn calories!!   I really like that idea even if it may be just a myth 😀

There's no blue sky today as it is very cloudy but it is good to see everything so green and the wild fowl on the ponds are having a field day celebrating it quite vocally.🦆 

I don't know what breed of wild fowl these are but they were very busy beeping away at each other as they dug up worms or insects from the damp earth. I say beeping because that is what it sounded like not a clucking or chirping but a sort of beeping.  

"Here's one Fred beep,beep!" "I found a bigger one ... beep,beep... Tom" "Beep... clear off Charlie ... this is ...beep ...  my patch"  🐛

It didn't bother them at all that we stood watching!

It was lovely even though there were no blue skies. Just the sounds of the pitter patter of the rain ,the calls of the wild fowl and an occasionally a bark as someone we hadn't seen was walking their dogs 

A short walk but very invigorating.

The Yarn Fairy attacks!

I really didn't mean to you know it was all that Yarn Fairy's fault sprinklinging her magic dust around

and I needed these colours.....

Replies to previous post comments completed 🙋


Amanda 🧶


  1. I laughed out loud at the conversation of the birds. I'm sure that if we understood them, it would be pretty accurate. :-) Your walk sounds lovely.
    The yarn is really pretty. It will be fun to see what you make with it.

    1. I mean what else can birds chat about except grubs and worms! LOL! A x

  2. I enjoy going outside after rain - as you say, it looks so green and smells fresh. The rain must be even more welcome when you live in a hot climate.
    Best wishes

    1. We have had 3 weeks of rain which is practically unheard of here. All the reservoirs are full to the brim which means plenty of water for the hot months. A x

  3. That is a very nice rich pink color yarn.
    A nice walk, the birds are darling with their beep-beep. ;)

    1. The rich pink yarn is for something I am making for my grand-daughter. I hope I will have finished it by next week and will be able to post about it. A x

  4. lovely walk, and we always so enjoy the birds too.
    pretty pink yarn

    1. I expect you get these sort of wild fowl on that beautiful lake you live in front of too. A x

  5. I think your happy birds are coots! I chuckled when I read that😊

    1. Happy is just the right description as they seemed to be too busy to worry about us watching them.🦆 A x

  6. Oh understand the yarn fairy 😉 Always good to enjoy a walk and birds. Plenty here at the moment lol

    1. This backache is annoying as I can’t walk very far at present. I had got into quite a good walking routine again and now this… sigh! A x.

  7. Of course you did - I totally understand.
    Lovely photos of a beautiful area, thank you.

    1. I just can’t resist when the Yarn fairy tempts me to get buy more yarn🧚‍♀️ A x

  8. Love the photos of the walk. The yarn fairy should be like the tooth fairy and just tuck yarn under your pillow.

    1. O! yes I do like that idea. It would be a fabulous surprise LOL! A x

  9. Good to see you too!!! We have fresh snow fa11ing. I want to c1ose a11 the windows

  10. A brilliant walk I to love to walk in the rain as long as it’s not to heavy, like you said the smell and the air is lovely, love your talking birds 🦅 as always a lovely blog xxxxxx

  11. Beautiful greenery so nice to see how things change from week to week xxxx

  12. What a beautiful place to walk in, I love walking in the rain too, you have so many beautiful places to visit there. Yes I think you've got wild fowl language pretty much sussed Amanda haha. That yarn fairy nearly caught me today as well but thankfully I was able to resist this time, we always have plenty of yarn but never the colour we need. Looking forward to seeing what you intend making with those pretty colours. Enjoy your weekend. Xx

    1. You are much more strong willed than me Linda! She,the Yarn Fairy, catches me every time 😊

  13. The Vale looks just beautiful & peaceful Amanda. I love walks in places like this .. with the wildlife busy doing their thing. Sometimes the Yarn Fairy visits me too 😉
    Sorry I have not been here much lately - had to go down to my Mums again & no internet down there to visit blogs. Have a lovely weekend Amanda. xx

    1. So sorry o hear about your Mum. I do hope she is on the mend now. That Yarn Fairy 🧚‍♀️ is such a temptress ! A x

  14. A nice place to walk -- rain or shine. We got one big rain on January 2nd that caused a lot of flooding around the country and concrete homes tend to show their wear and tear when there's lots of water to come pouring through cracks. All my plants right now are so dirty after so many dusty days in March. They all need a good soaking, but sadly, our rain is pretty much done until later this year, I think. It's already getting to 35 C during the day. Not sure the last time I bought yarn. Still trying to use what I've got on hand. Thanks for stopping by my corner of the world. Take care.

    1. Thanks for dropping by Tammy. It won’t be long before it starts to heat up in this part of Spain too. A x

  15. That pesky yarn fairy gets everywhere!!

  16. She sure does...she is such a temptress!! A x

  17. The pink and white is being used for a little something for my GD’s bedroom. I shall post about it in my next post. A x


Thank you for your comments. I do read them and try to reply to all as well.Please keep them coming. Amanda :-)