Crafty in the Med

I am here to enjoy meeting other bloggers and to share my love of craft ,mostly crochet, my thoughts and my daily happenings here in Alicante,Spain, my adopted country. I belong to a local choir because singing and music makes me happy. Flea markets and book shops are two of my favourite places to be. I read lots......sci´fi/fantasy,buried treasure, and off world adventures. I have a passion for history! I walk and walk and walk for about 10 months per year during the hot months I swim.

Sunday 15 July 2012

Very Naughty bloggers!!

Today is Saturday 14th July 2012  and being under the throes of a rather wicked humor and also being as you may have noticed I am a rather outspoken person.  I have to comment that there are some VERY NAUGHTY BLOGGERS out there who have been tempting me to lay down the THREE MAKES I should be finishing and try my hand at some of the tempting ideas they are flashing at me as I discreetly flitter through their blogs .....just checking that they are well you know no more.! The CULPRITS are to name but a few:
  • Linda at craftycorner.....who has been trying her hand at amiguriumi with her  Kokeshi girl and very successful so!
  • Shari asharicrochet  and those gorgeous bunnies in their school colours who are so unbelievably cute.
  • Karen at my4lilgirls inventing new patterns with great success I'd say and with a colour combination that goes so well together.
  • Poppy at Poppyview....who inspires me to turn my house around or at least the living room and COPY (yes Poppy I said copy) some of the ways she has to enhance and decorate her home.
  • Lucy at inthesky ,who makes me drool as I look at the colour of the yarn she is spinning ,yes I said spinning as in spinning wheel spinning!
  • Missy at  Edith Florence diary   who is starting some patchwork which I have been thinking I really must try my hand at..... but........yes groan,......yes I have three makes on the go.

and there are so many many more temptations out there on the blogs I follow and I visit so if you feel like you hear a slight huff,or tut or stifled groan it is me lurking on your blog,perhaps not commenting but looking and suffering.....oh so much!
As ethics must be respected should anyone here dislike having being cited please do comment and I'll delete in a jiffy and do sincerely apologize in advance.

After all this stress I felt I needed a gentle soothing from this bout of temptation and turned to a floral remedy which I had spied at the Benalua street market this morning. There she was the most perfect Moth Orchid  in all her glory and I couldn't resist buying her at the price of 11€...personally I don't think that is expensive,do you?  In fact I bought one for daugher nΒΊ 1 too.

On returning home I hummed and harrd quite a bit, wondering where to put my new acquisition as I considered this exquisite lady needed a special place. All this was being observed by Sr P who found it all very funny (as in funny looney) who agreed that she was lovely but couldn't see what the fuss was about where she should be placed...why not by the draining board I hear....easier to water, so he says ...tch!!!!!!!)

The girl at the stall said, (one I have been to for many years and I constantly return to when I am in that area. The girl who is now a married woman with children certainly knows her subject and guided by her I have rarely gone wrong where interior plant care is concerned) she had to be in plenty of light but out of the direct sunlight (remember we are talking about Mediterranean sunlight) and out of draughts of course.

I finally decided to place her here
Inside ....sun-blinds are down so light is not so good. I don't like using a flash.

to keep her in my living room where I can see her in all her glory as I put my feet up on the settee.  Then there was the little problem of the correct pot to place her in . I had nothing her size nor of what I would consider of sufficient elegance so meanwhile I put her in an old glass ice bucket that I had in the back of my sideboard and I rather like it.
I've also put a strip of filet crochet that I had it my samples tin (those samples are my patterns not the written type) and I like the effect too so I think I might do a piece of filet crochet in white instead of the yellow to take its place ...what do you think?

A big welcome to my new followers Claire at Sweet Birdy, Patty at Poppycock & other creative nonsense, Brenda at Cosy Little House, Lucy at Inthesky , Effie at Sweet Home Designs and Xristina who I would be delighted to follow too but I do not have a link to your blog. The only blog I could see was in Greek and there was no Google translator on that page to be able to translate to English or Spanish so I'm not sure if that was your blog.
I do hope you'll all visit frequently and find time to comment....when you can :-)

Well now my my old Aunty May down in Zummerset would have said....I ope ee have a gut day!

Amanda :-)


  1. Hi Amanda!
    I love your new creation with this beautiful flower!!!!!!!

  2. Beautiful orchid Amanda!
    Victoria xx

  3. Hi Amanda, Thanks for those links, crochet is my craft of choice right now...guess which link I followed! Beautiful orchid - and a clever idea for the pot.

  4. I love you are the sweetest and so funny about your post today! At first I thought...oh no...what happened, but as I continued, I was surely surprised..Thanks for visiting my blog and sharing great stories about it on your blog..You are a very special person and glad we have met!
    PS.....Love the pot and the place for beautiful Orchid!!

  5. What a gorgeous orchid in a beautiful new pot!!

  6. Haha - there are certainly a lot of very nighty ladies here! We need blog holidays where we get to catch up on started projects don't we. Where we are not tempted by other peoples projects!

    .... Nah .... we'd miss it!

    Kate xxx

  7. I bow my head in shame Amanda, I'm so sorry to have tempted you away from your wips, it does my heart good to know that you are liking what I make and for mentioning my blog in such a spectacular way haha,I hope it encourages others to come and peep and be tempted too. I LOVE your orchid it is magnificent what a beautiful flower, I think you have displayed it perfectly, but yes a piece of white filet crochet would be nice too I think :)

  8. Ha ha! You should blame Sophie at Fading Grace for me getting myself on the patchwork! I have been planning my next one already and have spent a nice (cloudy) afternoon supplementing my little stash by buying some bits on ebay. Not even finished the first one yet but I can see this is going to be addictive!
    I also love Karen's crochet and she has given me an idea for a holiday project.
    Happy Sunday, mrs!

  9. Gorgeous orchid! I've been given a couple as pressies over the years, but I can never keep them going for longer than a few months. Any tips?

  10. I know exactly how you feel Amanda.Sometimes other bloggers put me to shame they are so creative and I feel very inadequate! I do love to read other blogs but am becoming a bit obsessive I think, so much so, I have deliberately stopped putting on the computer a couple of nights a week so that I can get other things done!!
    I love your orchid too but although I would love one they look very complicated to look after to me.

  11. Good morning Amanda

    I hope that you are well today and enjoying sunshine
    while we swim in rain here in Ireland!

    I love your new orchid and the colour is just perfect
    so pretty and fresh
    I think 11 euro was a great price - you did well!

    The plant holder is fab and I hope that your lovely plant
    flowers for many months to come.

    Have a great week

    x Fiona

    ps no fear of me putting you to shame with my creativity
    because I can't knit, can't crochet, do patchwork, can't spin
    or do amiguriumi (I don't even know what that is)! blush blush
    so you are in safe hands when you visit my extremely uncreative blog!!!


  12. did bring a smile to my face - i like your humour- and im so gonna check out this links...
    your orchid looks great!!! i killed one last year and i might try with another one in the future...

  13. I know just what you mean... I am forever getting distracted by lovely clever bloggers!

    Your orchid is stunning, or as we say in these parts... gurt lush!

    Hope you get some rain soon... you are welcome to some of ours as we have an abundance!

    1. gurt lush!!! love it!!!

      pls do send over a storm or two its needed!!!

      A xx

  14. Hello Amanda,
    I was a little worried at first, in case I was one of the bloggers, who had been naughty!! haha
    But jokes a side,I do know what you mean.....An awful lot of creative ones on here!!
    Love the Orchid (such a special plant)
    Thanking you so very kindly for lovely words over on mine!!
    love Maria x

    1. Hello Maria
      No need to worry....I have a wicked humor but I know how to behave myself LOL!
      Your blog is a delight and welcomes me with music every time.

      A x

  15. Hello Amanda,
    I definitely have to agree that there is almost too much inspiration out there....I sometimes get lost in my visits to Blogland and realise with horror that a couple of hours have passed me by when I should have been busy doing other things!....
    Your orchid is so beautiful...are they easy to keep?
    I must check my spam mail more often Amanda....your comment on my last post landed there and I missed a belated thank you for your very kind words!
    Hope you are having a happy, crafty week,
    Susan x

  16. hello Susan,
    Very enjoyable hours though! I don't really know how to take care of my orchid up to now I have found out I must water it once a week via immersion and keep it out of direct sunlight. I was told that she doesn't need a lot of care but I musn't change her into a larger pot until she loses her flowers.
    Coincidentally the same has been happening to me so I have to keep checking my spam mail as some of my mail is creeping into there,don't understand why!
    Hope you are too!!

    Keep well

    Amanda xx

  17. Hi Amanda! I have been so distracted lately, I now have a million blogs to catch up on, yours being one of them. Your orchid is just so pretty, I tried growing one once, but killed it straight away, and don't have the heart to go at it again. I'm sure you will do better than I did.
    You are right about blogging inspiration. There are so many great ideas out there, you can just get caught up in all of it, and next thing you know, the washing is backing up and the darn kids just want to eat all the time. It's fun though isn't it, having several projects on the go at once?
    I'm off to check out your links now, thanks for the info!
    Lynne xx

  18. She is indeed an elegant beauty!

  19. I had an orchid, but I think I killed it. Yours is really pretty. I'll be back to check out your crafty blog. You sound like a girl after my own heart!


Thank you for your comments. I do read them and try to reply to all as well.Please keep them coming. Amanda :-)