Crafty in the Med

I am here to enjoy meeting other bloggers and to share my love of craft ,mostly crochet, my thoughts and my daily happenings here in Alicante,Spain, my adopted country. I belong to a local choir because singing and music makes me happy. Flea markets and book shops are two of my favourite places to be. I read lots......sci´fi/fantasy,buried treasure, and off world adventures. I have a passion for history! I walk and walk and walk for about 10 months per year during the hot months I swim.

Wednesday 11 July 2012

Better to see you with! that I've taken some photos in the sun so it brings out all the colours and the shine of the precious gems !

I've given up on the keyring for my students....just not happy with it,however I was delighted to receive so much encouragement from you all.
Meanwhile.....I'll have to think of something else for the men but I've done this which I think will be better for the girls/ladies:

Better pic!

..a khaki gold fact the whole brooch gleams as I have used Anchor Freccia Cotton NΒΊ 6 in Kaki Gold,red and lilac and its a very shiny perle thread. That's glass in the biggest pod with the pearls and beads and that gleams too.
I am very pleased to say I have been able to use some buttons I found in my buttons jar so I am feeling utterly thrifty. I've sewn some lilac felt on the back and I have to put the brooch pin on as yet and I have also padded it a little to give it a bit of body. This cotton is a bit flimsy so the padding will stop it from curling up. It is 2,5 x 2,5 inches in size.

I started to make a crochet flower brooch and got bored with it because although there are some beautiful crochet flower brooches out there I wanted something different. I decided to continue with a floral context I wanted an off world look so I choose some wild flowers from Pandora (Avatar!!!!).

I've made up a collage here using PicMonkey (which makes it so easy to do) of different views of the brooch and I'd greatly value your comments.

 Incidentally I'm not afraid to receive constructive criticism in fact I'd appreciate it.

Hello to Heather at Hoot Cove and Fiona at Raindrops and Daisies...welcome to my blog and thank you for joining me here


  1. Hi Amanda,

    How nice it is to log on to your page and see
    a lovely warm welcome for me!
    Thank you so much, it is a privilege to follow you and your lovely blog.

    The brooch is beautiful.
    The colours are wonderful
    and I am sure your students will be thrilled
    with it.

    Well done you for putting so much work into a project.

    Hope you not too hot in Sunny Spain
    still miserable here in Ireland.

    Off to the land of nod shortly


  2. This is great, I love the little beads and buttons. Way more interesting than a plain flower brooch. Well done !!!

    1. Many thanks finicky to do though,don't think I'll be doing many of these.

      A x

  3. I think it's beautiful, unusual and pretty. x

  4. Not seen a flower like that before, it is very sweet and I am sure they will be gratefully received. You are very clever thinking up things like that.
    xx Sandi

    1. Ahhhh but you haven't seen the flora from world vegetation LOL!

      Amanda x

  5. Hi Amanda, I've blog hopped, I see you are in sunny Spain, lovely. Looks like you have some really nice crochet projects.
    Happy hooking! x

    1. Thanks Patty and I have hopped back over to your blog to :-)

      Amanda :-)

  6. Gosh that looks complicated, but lovely!
    Picmonkey is fun isnt it? I like the fancy edges you can use.Your collage looks great!

    1. Finicky Gill....done it,been there and probably won't do it again.

      Yep just discovering Picmonkey and its uses

      A x

  7. Hi Amanda!!!!!!
    I like your creations !!!!!!!!
    My name is Effie.
    Kisses from Greece!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. Hello Effie,
    How very nice of you to join me here in my blog and thank you for your kind comments.

    I am off to see your blog now too

    Amanda :-)

  9. Love the colours Amanda - you do make such interesting things xx

    1. These Anchor NΒΊ 6 cottons have some lovely bright but unusual colours. I like to use them alot.

      A x

  10. I love your brooch Amanda! You have ad so many little details, this is so lovely! I like the golden backround. I have never seen this colour here, it is really nice!
    Have a great day! xxxBarbina

  11. Your brooch is so so beautiful, i love the complexity in the design very much indeed. Have a lovely weekend Heather xx Thanks so much for the mention of me on your blog, it really does mean a lot to me xx

    1. hello Heather,
      Complexity is hitting the nail on the head....bit finicky to make so I doubt I shall be making a lot of these. I am pleased with it though.

      A xx

  12. It's beautiful Amanda and I'm sure your students are very lucky to receive such a beautiful gift from you, how many do you intend to make and are they all going to be the same. I can see you are going to be very busy with these, it's so good of you to do this for them. Have you decided on something for the boys yet, it's always so difficult for men, I thought your key rings were good too. I like your collage, Ive just discovered photoscape, the same thing I would think but isn't great fun to play with your photo's. Hope you are having a good weekend xx

  13. Very eye catching and original brooch you have designed there, I am sure us yarny types would be delighted to wear one :) x

    1. Hello Lucy, Thanks for your comments.I've given up on crochet gifts for my students my daughter seems to think its too homely for them,which has totally put me off. However I have plans for my brooch which may turn into an applique for a bag or other. I like it....sniff!

      Amanda :-)


Thank you for your comments. I do read them and try to reply to all as well.Please keep them coming. Amanda :-)