Crafty in the Med

I am here to enjoy meeting other bloggers and to share my love of craft ,mostly crochet, my thoughts and my daily happenings here in Alicante,Spain, my adopted country. I belong to a local choir because singing and music makes me happy. Flea markets and book shops are two of my favourite places to be. I read lots......sci´fi/fantasy,buried treasure, and off world adventures. I have a passion for history! I walk and walk and walk for about 10 months per year during the hot months I swim.

Monday 3 September 2012

Swap bitten and return of the poncho if it ever left us

Well and truly bitten.....................

but there you are ......I enjoyed my first blog swap so much with the Jar of Love that I was hoping another one would get started soon and so it has. I am now participating in the Cosy Autumn Swap hosted by  Blueberry at Blueberry Heart   and do you know what but I have been partnered with Sharon at From my Front Porch... which is wonderful because we are already reciprocal followers.

The rules of the Cosy Autumn swap are as follows:

.... well chocolate and food stuffs are out for a start as Sharon lives in the States and I am not risking the parcel being opened and any edible goodies confiscated.
When I went to visit my daughter in Chicago,when she lived there, I took a couple of boxes of PG Tips and a few things she asked me for that she missed so much and they were all confiscated by a very nice polite man at customs. Grr!!!
So choccies is a No! No!
No problem.........two handmade items are already being finished and are made of this and that and can be used for this and that too....the third one is in progress and will be handy to help in this and that as well....easy peasy!
Have to get my thinking cap on though for the bits and pieces to keep the rest company so I make sure its bits that Sharon will like or I hope will like.
Fun! Fun! and more Fun!

I'm not doing this one its a pic from google to set the scene

 Daughter Nยบ 1 has been badgering me for awhile now about making a poncho for her and a full length poncho at that .......that ponchos are very practical...they are back in fashion....and nice and warm for the winter ...and so on and so finally I said I'd make one for her but she was to decide on the colours she wanted and to buy the yarn.
Fine......things went quiet for a few weeks and then she popped in to see me and handed me this one morning:

 It is called Gedifra Balsini Colori by Coats and comes in 50 g balls.
I thought it was an extremely nice choice so I told her she needed to get at least 10 of these.
You can imagine my thoughts when she said NO that was it, that I'd have to manage with that one ball. It was too expensive to buy anymore,she said. She told me it cost her 7.56 pounds (6.00 Euros) for one 50 g ball. I did suggest she return to the shop to choose something cheaper but no that was the one she wanted. She said she was hoping I could do at least half with that ball and add some black or something to make up...well ......I had to laugh and then tried to explain to her that this one ball would perhaps cover the edging on the poncho and no more! Incidentally my daughter is NOT crochet/knitting/sewing/ apt at all she just likes to wear or have the finished product!
So its been left in my hands to sort it out! 
As it would cost me easily 75pounds for the rest of the yarn I have decided to make up a poncho using the chosen yarn for edging,black main background and some how working in the colours from this Balsini yarn from my own stash of yarn and hope daughter Nยบ 1 will like it.
At present I cannot say its a project I'm looking forward to doing......I'll let you know how it goes :-)

Hello and welcome to my two new followers Blueberry Heart and Sue Butler.  Many thanks for visiting my blog and for joining too. I'm sorry Sue I'd like to visit your blog but I can't work out which is your blog among the list of blogs on your Blogger profile.

Ahhhh!!!! nearly forgot
they have now been filled:

Natillas......a nice cold cold dessert for a very hot day

Have a great week:

Amanda :-)


  1. Oh my, your daughter is hopeful, they either think you are a miracle worker (nice they still think mum can solve all problems) or they hope you will shell out for the rest (dream on!) the challenge will be good for you soul, but rather you than me! Fiona x

    1. Thanks for your comments Fiona. Not only amiracle worker but an oracle as well....if she doesn't know something I am Mama Google!!!

      A xx

  2. I can't wait to see the poncho you are going to make to your daughter. :)
    Those Natillas look yummy. :)

    1. Extra sweet Natillas Isobel for Sr P who has got an incredibly sweet tooth :-)

      A xx

  3. Too funny about your Daughter, mine are the same way. My youngest ask if I would make quilts for 3 of her friends as Christmas gifts this year. Sure thing sweetie if you buy the fabric which will run around $150.00 each. She passed! Ha

    1. Oh! really those young 'uns are the limit!!! Glad she saw the light....3 quilts phew!!!

      A xx

  4. Hi Amanda, I'm in the Autumn Swap too ... love these swaps! Good luck with the poncho too. I've got a Giveaway on the go, please do check it out! xxx

  5. Oh Amanda what a brilliant post x

  6. Poncho are great, I remember mine from the 70s, loved it! Ada :)

    1. Ha!Ha! me too the only one I ever made for myself. I was living in London at the time....I always worn it!!! LOL!

      A xx

  7. Children must be all made out of the same clothe now a thought to cost, especially if Mom is footing the bill ! I am certain Ponchos have made a comeback a few times over the years in my lifetime so far. I managed to pickup 7 balls of soft baby yarn for my sister off a swap for $10.00, she told me they would have cost more then $50.00 from a store. They make an pleasures in life sooo expensive, it almost takes the joy from it all. Yummy, Amanda, I LOVE custard !

    1. According to my daughter ponchos are in now...the last time I made a poncho for her was when she was 3 years old...she's 39 now!!! LOL!

      Thanks for popping in here.

      A xx

  8. Ah the non knitter/crocheter/yarn user never seem to get it do they? I bet you will get it all figured out and she will love it because you made it for her.

    1. Hope so Meredith....daughter Nยบ1 can be terribly fussy!

      A xx

  9. A few years ago, I made five of those ponchos! They're great for sitting in front of the the television on a chilly night--only took two:-D Between those and shrugs, they're still very popular here in the U.S. What are Natillas--they look so yummy! XOXO

    1. Hello Susan,
      Natillas is a Spanish version of custard but its sweeter than the UK dish and cinnamon is sprinkled over the top. Its always served very cold and wafers or biscuits are served with it. I find it too sweet for me but the family like it.

      A xx

  10. I just bought some yarn for a poncho after searching on Ravelry for a pattern. I'm glad they are back in style. Can't wait to see how yours turns out.
    Sometimes things work better when you're forced to get "creative" and have limitations(like with your yarn) I bet it will be lovely.

    1. We'll see Lynne I'm not terribly excited about this make. I'm going to choose a nice simple pattern too that way unpicking won't be so tedious if I have to change the colour sequence.

      A xx

  11. Can't wait to see the finished poncho...I am sure you will come up with something and it will come out very nice...She will love it cause it will be made by MOM! Hope you have a wonderful week.Shari!

    1. Thanks for popping in Shari....I do hope you are right my daughter is very fussy about colours.


      A xx

  12. Hi Amanda - I just popped in to visit your blog, I'm doing the Autumn Swap over at Blueberry Heart too! Love that yarn and looking forward to following the progress of the poncho.. Have a happy Monday xx

    1. Hello Gilly
      These swaps are so much fun......its a great way to meet new bloggers too.

      Many thanks for popping in for a visit.

      A xx

  13. Your post made me smile Amanda, I'm sure you will come up with something beautiful for your daughter and she will love it, looking forward to seeing what you decide upon :)

    1. Yep I've some ideas Linda but if I had more of that special yarn with bobbles it would look fantastic!! Just too expensive though!

      A xx

  14. HI Amanda I am doing the autumn swap too and the reason I didnt go for a world wide swap was for exactly the reason of the customs! I think I have just about got everything sorted out now, just wondering about posting it off!
    I remember ponchos the first time round, my auntie crocheted me one, it was purple and fluorescent pink and I loved it.X

    1. I think BH suggested we should post to each other around about mid Sept,didn't she?

      A xx

  15. You can't beat a good Poncho! Natilla's look intriguing to me... :) x

    1. Natilla's were lovely so Sr P said he ate the lot...all much too sweet for me!!!

      A xx

  16. Hi Amanda, I have just caught up on a couple of missed posts, good luck with the poncho, but what you have in mind sounds lovely and I know you will do a fab job of it. That swap sounds good I will look forward to seeing what you posted off to your partner. Your sisters garden looks beautiful and Misty is a funny little dog by the look of it.

    1. Hi Sandi,
      We will see at present I have unpicked what I have done it looked really rubbish!

      A xx

  17. Ooh, what I wouldn't give to have a cottage like that! In Minehead of course. And the garden is lovely. I can but dream xxx

  18. An autumnal swap is lovely idea. I really like the yarn you've choosen for the poncho, the colours are gorgeous. Can't wait to see the finished result. Ali x

    1. Its lovely yarn but not y choice still I'll manage somehow :-)

      A xx

  19. Hi Amanda, my sweet friend!
    I love your ideas!!!!!!!

    1. Aww your are so nice Effie...many thanks :-)

      A xx

  20. So nice to know your daughter thinks you can work miracles and make the yarn stretch to ridiculous lengths, lol! That is quite a challenge but I'm sure that it'll look fabulous as an edging :-)

    Lori xxx

  21. Hi lovely Amanda,

    Thank you for your sweet comment on my blog. I hadn't realised that I hadn't put international postage on the items but I have fixed it now so if you see anything you fancy it can now be yours. I will package it extra carefully so it gets to you in one piece.

    Take care,


  22. Why thats very good of you Lexie I'll have to go in and have another look.

    keep well

    Amanda xx

  23. Hi my dear friend..:)) First of all thank you veryu much for your visiting my blog.. Thank you so much..:))
    I have visited your very nice blog and I like your blog.. I am your newest member of your blog... And....
    Also I have added your blog in to my favorite blogs list..:))
    Best best wishes....:)))

  24. I can't believe your daughter thought one ball of yarn would make a poncho! And 6€ for a poncho - doesn't she ever buy clothes? She must be joking or she just thinks you will buy it for her...

    1. Hi there Penny....of course she knows one ball is not enough she just thought I could use (as she has seen I have a nice yarn stash) other bits of yarn to make it up or as you have guessed she's hoping I'll buy the rest. Mama isn't going there this time though!!! It would easily cost me 75 to 80€ to make the poncho so its going to be yarn from my stash this time.

      Many thanks for visiting!
      A xx


Thank you for your comments. I do read them and try to reply to all as well.Please keep them coming. Amanda :-)