Crafty in the Med

I am here to enjoy meeting other bloggers and to share my love of craft ,mostly crochet, my thoughts and my daily happenings here in Alicante,Spain, my adopted country. I belong to a local choir because singing and music makes me happy. Flea markets and book shops are two of my favourite places to be. I read lots......sci´fi/fantasy,buried treasure, and off world adventures. I have a passion for history! I walk and walk and walk for about 10 months per year during the hot months I swim.

Wednesday 2 March 2022

In through the backdoor

Santa Barbara Castle,Alicante

Last Sunday morning when we drove up to Santa Barbara castle we saw it was buzzing with activity and the road up to the main entrance had been cordoned off and was blocked for traffic. This does happen sometimes as the closure of the main access for cars to the castle sometimes occurs when there is some special event on as the castle grounds are frequently used for festivals and art exhibitions.  We therefore parked beside the road that was closed as many other visitors were doing at the end of a long queue of parked cars.  There were streams of people walking up to the castle in the middle of the road so as we are crowd shy we decided to take the back entrance into the castle from the Ereta park.  

It is a bit of a climb up the steep steps and into the old battlements walkway. The walkway was restored a few years back and is now a wall-walk up to a smaller entrance into the castle. What we call the back door into the castle!  It is a bit of a steep climb to get to it. 

Actually I needed the exercise so I didn't mind the thought of the steep climb although I was huffing and puffing quite a bit just a few steps from the very start of the climb. That is how much I need the exercise! Anyhow, I stopped to take a breather frequently and took snapshots while I got my breath back each time.  Sr P, it being homeground to him as the castle and castle slopes were his playground when he was a boy, had enthusiastically gone on ahead. This is the norm anyhow wherever we go to places like this nowadays as he is much fitter than me.  

It was such a glorious day and the views from this part of the castle were outstanding.

Starting the climb!

No mini cacti here! The stalks on these very spiky cacti were huge! 

Inland view from the castle

Once you get here it is through this arch and up the steps into the battlements wall-walk.   

Up...Up...Up and that is Sr P (Mr Superman in blue jeans) already at the top of this part of the battlements. 

Looking behind me and down to the bridge that connects these battlements to the other wall-walk which leads to the shopping centre of the city.

A quick snapshot of the sea and port to the right of the castle

Finally the back door into the castle. 

I caught up with Sr P who I saw was leaning over the wall looking down attentively towards the road that was closed to traffic! Before I could get my breath back he turned to me frantically and told me he had to go back down there and quickly!  He said he had seen that there were two traffic policeman checking out the cars parked on the side of the road and were placing tickets on the car windscreens. I knew straight away that could mean easily a 100€ fine! So he belted off down to the road ... good job he is fitter than me because I couldn't "belt" down the wall-walk as fast as he could. In fact I took my time because I was thinking I won't be able to solve anything by trying to get there quickly myself and Sr P will be able to sort it. As much as I don't want to pay a fine I was not risking tripping over or falling down the bits of very steep steps on the way down. 

There ended our excursion that morning. At least we got to the backdoor of the castle but did not go in. That we can do another day! 🌞

There is a happy ending though

When I finally got back down the steps Sr P was sat there waiting for me! He didn't look very cheerful so I took it for granted that he had been given a ticket but...that was Sr P teasing me again! 

I am pleased to say we were very lucky because as we had parked our car right at the end of the cars parked on the side of the road and the traffic police had started giving out tickets right at the top of that long line of cars. Ours being the very last car parked there Sr P got there before the traffic police! He was able to rapidly drive our car away and find a proper parking space nearby!   

Although our excursion was cut short I am so pleased that Sr P is so fleet of foot and we didn't get a hefty fine for what was really our own fault. We shouldn't have parked our car on the side of the road even if the road was closed!

That's a lesson learnt I think! 👍

Replies to comments on previous post completed 🌼

Happy blogging

Amanda 🚙


  1. Bravo Sr P!
    That is quite a hike. Good the views are stunning.

    1. Yes,he did well! What could have been an upsetting day turned into a jaunt we won’t forget! A x

  2. Well done both of you. There are some wonderful views on that walk and some lovely photos too!
    Best wishes

    1. It's amazing I don't get bored going up to the castle so often but I find there is always something to photograph whatever the season. A x

  3. I have always wanted to tour a castle and you have one close by-sorry you weren't able to visit inside but at least no ticket-that's awesome Mr P's quick thinking

    1. Hello Kathy. But you have a fabulous lake by you which I don't have! All that nature that surrounds you is something I envy as well :-). A x

  4. I hate climbing hills because I can't be doing with being out of breath. But you're right it is good for us. Glad you didn't get a fine.

    1. I know...I am just the same. Nevertheless I have to get my weight down and exercise is part of doing that so I huff and puff as I climb or walk...sigh! A x

  5. What an adventure Amanda, those views are stunning and what a fabulous place to visit as long as you are fit haha, I'm afraid it would take me a while to get to the top these days my fitness levels are practically zero at the minute. What a relief that Sr P got there before the traffic police. Take care. xx

    1. It took me awhile Linda I assure you and after all that climb we couldn't go into the castle...tch! All the same I am so glad we didn't get fined A x

  6. Glad you didn’t get a ticket love the pictures xxxxxx it’s alway lovely up there xxxxxx

    1. It was a bit of a scare...felt quite relieved afterwards! A x

  7. Well done for spotting the traffic police and yes - a lesson learnt! (plus plenty of lovely photos and a story to share - win win I'd say!)

    1. We were so stupid to park our car there! Talk about the sheep effect doh! A x

  8. Stunning views - almost make the climb worth it! I am verrrrrry unfit. Glad you didn't get a fine. Sitting ducks for the police.

    1. It was such a stupid thing to do! Parking where we did I mean! Talk about the sheep effect just copying what everyone else did who parked there! The traffic police had a field day. A x

  9. What a beautiful walk and I'm sorry that even though you exerted all of that exercise, you still didn't get to go into the castle. It's great that Sr. P is in such good shape to get to the car so fast. That is a BIG fine for parking.
    I enjoyed visiting castles last fall when we were in the UK. We went to so many in just a couple of weeks that I fogot so much of many of them. One of my favorite things were the walks on top of the walls. Thanks for taking us along with you.

    1. It is Betsy! I so never tire of going up to the castle. UK has some fabulous castles and stately homes to visit and Scotland is definitely the place for ancient castles! If you can when you go back to the UK try and visit Windsor Castle or Hampton Court Palace. A x

  10. Fabulous escaping here and so glad no fine

  11. Wow such wonderful views! And I'm so glad you dodged that parking fine lol
    I've just restarted my blog at , would be lovely to see you over there :)

    1. Thanks for calling in Jill:-). Big relief I assure you not getting that hefty parking fine. We won't make that mistake again either! A x

  12. Replies
    1. They take my breath away even when the sun isn't shining. A x

  13. Wonderful views, so worth the climb, such a shame it was cut short, but a good result with no fine. xcx

    1. It is worth the climb not only are the views fabulous in all seasons but it also reeks of history! A x

  14. Sorry Amanda, I don't always read everything, but I come here to enjoy the views and bask in the sunshine, whcih rather in a short supply over here now :-)

  15. Hello Dee, OH! ouch! Century Plants...I'll remember that! Actually I thought they looked particularly vicious! A x

  16. Hello Radka, Thanks for calling in and very glad you have enjoyed the views. It is a good morning excursion even if the sun doesn't shining as there is plenty to see. A x


Thank you for your comments. I do read them and try to reply to all as well.Please keep them coming. Amanda :-)