Crafty in the Med

I am here to enjoy meeting other bloggers and to share my love of craft ,mostly crochet, my thoughts and my daily happenings here in Alicante,Spain, my adopted country. I belong to a local choir because singing and music makes me happy. Flea markets and book shops are two of my favourite places to be. I read lots......sci´fi/fantasy,buried treasure, and off world adventures. I have a passion for history! I walk and walk and walk for about 10 months per year during the hot months I swim.

Wednesday 9 March 2022



🌼As I see it Linda on Linda's Crafty Corner blog is practically a try-anything crafter. She has a  creative soul and her posts on her blog are vastly interesting. I am constantly amazed at the endless amount of crafts she knows or is actually learning about. She has inspired me to try my hand at another sort of craft. Last December I saw some very intuitive Youtube videos and pages which teach you how to make stitch markers so last Christmas I asked Father Christmas "pretty please" if he would bring me the following:

and he did...bless him. 

As I had numerous Crochet WIPs demanding my attention I couldn't sit down and try out this new craft until just last week.

I went back to one of the really easy tutorials on HeartHookHome and with the bits and pieces that I had in my hoard of bits... you know those sort of bits  that one thinks will come in handy one day... I am sure you know what I mean! I managed to make these three basic stitch markers.

 I must admit I was all fingers and thumbs using those tools and had to discard several jump rings because I opened them too much and they snapped or I squeezed them together too much and the ends overlapped! I also noticed that the flower and owl jump rings are rather big but I didn't have anymore of the smaller ones that I used with the elephant.  Still I am pleased with the results and would like to try out making keyrings or purse charms with some pretty charms and beads. I do need a cutter though and I am not going to wait to until next Christmas either to get one because I have seen that Sr P has a cutter in his tool box! Now Sr P does not like anyone messing with his toolbox but I don't think he'll notice the cutter is missing as long as I remember to put it back 😎

Stormy day

A blustery morning stroll along the Cabo de Huertas beach. It wasn't the nicest of days but it was a good walk and we enjoyed it. We returned home totally refreshed and ready for a hot plate of soup.

Cabo de Huertas rocky beach

Footpath around the cape

Tiny dingy out there braving the rough sea. 

The Cabo de Huertas lighthouse.

Watch out for the waves!

A better view of the lighthouse

Doggy braving the cold water to get his ball back

on our way back the sun came out!

They arrived safely

They, as in my blanket that I made for my great niece and sent to Brisbane in January and my great niece herself Charlotte Christine born on 1st March.

Her Mum has given me permission to post these photos

Replied to comments on previous post

Happy Blogging

Amanda 👼


  1. It does look a blustery day at the beach. Your blanket looks to be a very popular gift! I sometimes do some jewellery making and if you would like the jump rings to be more secure (without going down the soldering them closed route), try adding two (they won't both come apart at the same time and you should always have one there). (I am sure you know this from the videos you've watched, but if you open them like a door, (one end forward and one end backward) rather than pulling the ends apart sideways, they will keep their shape and are easier to get together again.)
    Best wishes

    1. Many thanks for this advice Ellie :-) I will certainly try it that way. A x

  2. A new craft to have fun with. I think all three look great and that the rings are just fine as they are. They look professionally done to me.
    What a darling photo of your new great niece. She looks very cozy and content on that wonderful blanket. How perfect.
    And once again I must say how envious I am of you and your ability to just walk on the beach anytime you wish. We would love that so much. Unfortunately there are NO ocean beaches in Nebraska! We were hoping to go to the Oregon coast this summer and do some beach walking, but with the fuel costs now, I don't think we'll be able to afford it.
    Take care and stay safe my dear friend.

    1. The fuel costs have gone up terribly here too. Three times in one weeks it is so crazy. This has cut short some of our Sunday excursions too. A x

  3. despite it being blustery it looks a lovely walk. Your stitch markers are great I don't think I could manage the fiddliness of them.

    1. It was a good walk and I don't mind if it is windy or chilly as it certainly blows the cobwebs away :-) A x

  4. Wonderfulness all around. I've made some stitch markers, and those jump rings and the little pliers can be so very fiddly. . .

    1. Thanks. I hope to go on to some zip purse charms soon. A x

  5. That baby laying on the blanket you made is just adorable Amanda. 💕💗

  6. Very sweet baby photos-they had to have you smiling when you saw them.
    Beautiful coast line there-awesome area to view and take walks. Love your stitch markers-always fun to try a new craft-Happy midweek Kathy

    1. So wish I could go to Australia to see my family there and also visit my niece and meet her family. I still think it is too early to do that what with COVID still causing havoc. A x

  7. Lovely that the blanket arrived safely and is in use already 💗 I love learning new crafts but always go back to the ones I am already happy with! still, it helps keep the ol'grey matter exercised :) have fun with making the stitch markers x

    1. That is the most important thing ... that it is used! It is bit of a let down me if they just put the blanket away. I have tried another craft this week and will post about it on my next post. A x

  8. I much prefer a blustery beach than a calm one. Blows away the cobwebs.
    Baby and blanket are perfect. I once considered jewellery making but it's a bit fiddle for my arthritic fingers. Your markers are lovely.

    1. Thanks for popping by :-) Likewise...a blustery beach is much more exhilarating even in the summer when the waves are quite high. A x

  9. I must admit that jewellery making is not a favourite craft of mine, I've had a go in the past. Funnily enough, Tom is better at it than me, even though he has big sausage fingers, lol

    1. Thank you Briony for calling in :-). I must admit I am finding working with different types of pliers quite cumbersome. I don't think I'll ever be very adept at it. A x

  10. Beautiful baby on a very special blanket 😀😀 Those stitch marker things I have made a few and also wear as earings attached to my sleeper earings 😀😀 Easy earing change lol Great outing pics too

    1. Hi Wendy That is quite a good idea! I shall have to try that out. A x

  11. A great new craft, they would make great gifts. Lovely photo of your new niece, she is adorable.

    1. Actually Lorraine I was thinking of sending some to my sister in Brisbane as she does a lot of knitting. Perhaps using her initials! Got to find some letter charms for that though :-). A x

  12. Oh Wow Amanda your great niece is beautiful and the blanket looks amazing I'm so glad that it arrived safely. Thank you so much for the mention I'm glad that I'm inspiring you to try different things, I love the look of your stitch markers, they could be used for all sorts and now I'm thinking oh yes I would like to make some of them haha. That looks like a great walk, I'm getting so lazy with exercise these days. Thank you for all the advice for learning Italian, I think the post it's are a great idea because it's hard to remember the names of everything. Take care. xx

    1. I am finding the stitch markers a bit fiddly to make but I hope to get better at it. It is nice to try out something new but crochet will always be my main focus. I am addicted! A x

  13. It must be fun trying a new craft especially when you have all the equipment to make those rings to help with your crochet projects. I'm glad the baby blanket arrived in time for the needs of your sweet little great niece. What a lovely stroll along the coastal path you had followed at home by a bowl of warming soup. Just perfect!

    1. thank you for calling in Linda :-) I have tried another new craft this week too. I shall post about it in my next post. A x

  14. Gorgeous blanket for a gorgeous baby :)
    I know exactly what you mean about keeping all the BITS that you think will be hndy some day! I have a craft room full of them lol

    1. thanks Jill :-). Sr P thinks I am becoming a hoarder! I don't think so...well perhaps a little bit LOL! A x

  15. Great that the blanket arrived safely, your gt niece looks very comfortable resting on it. Lovely photos, nice to see different parts of the coast line, I´m sure one day we will venture up your way and explore. Super stitch markers, I have my own tools in the drawer, hate it when they are borrowed and not returned though. Everyone knows not to touch my scissors lol xcx

    1. So wish I could get out to Australia again to meet my great niece but I still think it is early days for travel. I admit I am the same with my crafting tools. I dont mind lending but get very annoyed when they don't give back. A x

  16. She is gorgeous ,isn't she? I hope to have a video chat with my niece soon and see the little one :-) A x


Thank you for your comments. I do read them and try to reply to all as well.Please keep them coming. Amanda :-)