Crafty in the Med

I am here to enjoy meeting other bloggers and to share my love of craft ,mostly crochet, my thoughts and my daily happenings here in Alicante,Spain, my adopted country. I belong to a local choir because singing and music makes me happy. Flea markets and book shops are two of my favourite places to be. I read lots......sci´fi/fantasy,buried treasure, and off world adventures. I have a passion for history! I walk and walk and walk for about 10 months per year during the hot months I swim.

Wednesday 13 April 2022

Hearting her


Bravo to "Cookie" baby!

My granddaughter has finished her apprenticeship and she has now qualified as a Fitter-Turner Machinist Cert 1. She'll go on to study Cert II as from September. The company where she did her training were so pleased with her that they have offered her a six month contact, full-time. Even though it is long hours (7:30am to 5:00 pm. Monday to Friday midday)) and she gets home bone weary she really enjoys working for this company as she says everyone is so friendly and considerate. It is a family business so most of her fellow workers are members of the same family and they have taken "Cookie" under their wing especially the boss who has been training her. 
It is a bit strange for me to hear her when she goes into throes of excitement as she talks about what she is learning and most particularly lately as she is being taught how to weld.  It is great though, even if I do find it strange, because she is doing what she likes and she is standing up to all those ignorant people who have silly archaic prejudices about traditional gender work roles. I praise her constantly as she deserves it!   

She has a few days off very soon as the company closes for the Easter festivities and she will be coming over to spend the day with us. We are so looking forward to that!

I made a little something for know... as us Nanas do...👵

That is who this yarn was for!

It is getting a bit difficult to decide what I can crochet for "Cookie" now she is an adult.  When she was a baby and a child I made her lots of things,toys as well as clothes, hats and blankets and many other things as well.  Now she is a all grown up I have continued to make her hats, scarves and bag/purse charms but frankly I am getting a bit stuck for what to make her nowadays.    Any suggestions? 
This time I have crocheted an "I heart" mini cushion for her bedroom at her home

Front view


It's a shame that as usual the photo hasn't picked up the shine of the sparkly white yarn I used on the little heart and a pink heart gem just to finish it off. 

It only took me a week to make. Nice and easy! Just single crochet and a crab stitch edging.    I used Bulky yarn,Isabella,Paris, Made in Turkey and hook Nº 6. A yarn I haven't used before but it worked up well for this sort of make. 

Many thanks to you all for your get well wishes. 

My backache continues but the pain-killer and muscle relaxants that the doctor prescribe to me over the phone has helped a lot. I am not walking one sided anymore. I just get twinges and am careful not to do too much. I have an appointment with my own GP for the 20th April and I was lucky to get it then as they were going to give me an appointment for the middle of May. 

Replies to comments on previous post completed

Happy Blogging

Amanda 🌧


  1. Good morning Amanda, so happy for your granddaughter it is so special I think we find our work calling. Sounds like a wonderful environment to work in too.
    The pillow gift you made is perfect, I love it
    so sorry about your back pain-those can take awhile to get better hugs Happy mid week

    1. Hello Kathy, We are all very very happy and proud of my granddaughter having finally settled for the profession she really likes and is doing well at. A x

  2. Good on you Cookie - well done!
    I have always tended towards the more 'blokey' jobs all my life and there is always some one who raises an eyebrow at job choice whether you are welding or gardening.
    Crochet wise? slippers/bag/mug cozy/ponytail beanie/mitts/key fob/blanket/ear warmers/boot toppers/hair scrunchies ... any good?
    Hope your back keeps healing, take care xx

    1. Many thanks Kate for all these suggestions. I think the bag could be a good one as beach weather is there practically upon us. A nice brightly coloured bag I think :-). A x

  3. Congratulations to Cookie on completing her training and beginning Part II. She sounds like an amazing and capable girl. Everyone has a talent and something God has given them to love and excell in. It sounds as if she has found hers.
    The pillow is just too sweet. I'm sure she's going to love it.

    1. Thank you Betsy! The whole working and getting her own wage business is definitely suiting her. A x

  4. Congratulations to Cookie - well done to her. I'm sure she will love the cushion!
    Best wishes

  5. Brilliant Cookie you have done so well I do so envy her I’m afraid in my days it was so hard to do some jobs ever the job I ended up doing ( driving buses) was classed as a man’s job and I had lots of problems, thing have changed so much , I love the cushions she will love it

    1. Some people still have problems nowadays. It is pathetic or pure jealousy! I really think there are more serious things to worry about than the gender of the professional who does the job. It should go to the person who does it best and that's it! A x

  6. Congratulations to your Grand daughter, it's great that she is doing something that really interests her, she will love the little cushion you made for her. I hope your back is better soon, mine is always going off but I find that back strengthening exercises help I wish I had the motivation to do them everyday because they do keep your back strong. Have a very Happy Easter Amanda. xx

    1. Thank you Linda :-).My back is better. I still get twinges but I can now stand tall and not all crooked looking :-). What are those exercises that you do Linda? Are they available online to see how to do them please? A x

  7. So happy you get to see her! How about making her a market bag?

    1. Now that's an idea Kathy and after that a beach bag! Thanks for the suggestions. A x

  8. Good to read you have an appointment soon. Congratulations Cookie!
    What to crochet? A nice cardigan with good pockets or a pretty pillow cover?

    1. Thank you :-). For some reason I can't fathom my GD isn't keen on crocheted garments. It's such a shame because I saw a lovely lace crochet summer top for her...sigh! I like the idea of a pretty trim for her pillow cases though. A x

  9. How wonderful to see a girl doing what she wants in a male dominated field and being accepted by everyone. Good on her. The heart cushion is lovely. She will think of you every time she looks at it.
    How scary that you can't see a GP til mid May. It's bad here but not that bad. Glad you got the earlier one.

    1. My GD was very determined to go ahead with this type of profession even though she received quite a bit of ridicule from her classmates and even friends. Friends who are friends no more as far as my GD is concerned. If she likes her job then that is fair enough for us! A x

  10. Clever Cookie for sure and much admiration to her ❤ Lovely cushion will be so loved by her.

  11. It is on the mend thanks Dee! Not so painful as it was and I am able to stand up straight LOL! A x


Thank you for your comments. I do read them and try to reply to all as well.Please keep them coming. Amanda :-)