Crafty in the Med

I am here to enjoy meeting other bloggers and to share my love of craft ,mostly crochet, my thoughts and my daily happenings here in Alicante,Spain, my adopted country. I belong to a local choir because singing and music makes me happy. Flea markets and book shops are two of my favourite places to be. I read lots......sci´fi/fantasy,buried treasure, and off world adventures. I have a passion for history! I walk and walk and walk for about 10 months per year during the hot months I swim.

Wednesday 27 April 2022

Restore and revive


About makeovers and reviving stuff .

Do you remember the mirrors I was giving a makeover to last month that I posted about here .  I got one completed but I had been dithering over the other. I had thought to paint it in a totally different colour but I hesitated not very convinced. I just couldn't seem to settle on what colour,in my mind's eye none seemed to fit.  Do you know what I mean? 

That grubby bronze colour looked so dismal. I thought perhaps white but I couldn't see it was going to look good. I finally decided on keeping it bronze but a lighter shade of bronze and with some extras; a few highlights to spruce it up a little.
I always like,if possible, to use the bits and pieces I have accumulated. You know those bits and pieces you pick up and save for moments like these. ๐Ÿ˜

I have this gold glittery thread which I bought to use to make some Christmassy things last year and it was there on the shelf and I thought why not...

so with a layer of glue first I pushed the gold thread into the groove between that bubble like border around the mirror. 
I think it looks good and adds a little more sparkle.

The top of the mirror is a little peculiar and rather drab so I gave it a few touches of silver and reddish bronze highlights and added just a few pretty shiny beads.

It looked better but it needed just that little something else!

I rummaged around in my bits and couldn't see anything that would enhance the makeover of this mirror. That is until I looked through some of my Gran's bits of crochet and I found a single little light Ecru six petal flower crocheted in very fine lace thread and the tiniest of stitches . It looked vintage and it is vintage I suppose considering my Gran passed away in the 1970s and she must of made it before that.  I thought it was a bit flimsy to sit on the bottom of the mirror and I could imagine the petals would start to curl up over time. Then I had this light bulb ๐Ÿ’กmoment and picked up the bottle of clear nail varnish that I use and I smothered the flower in the nail varnish.  The flower dried in just a few minutes and it was surprisingly quite stiff!  I finished the flower off by gluing a sparkly reddish bronze bead in the centre. 

There you have it! 

What do you think?


The mini-doilies I posted about in my last post have now been now completed.

I just have to finish a larger one which is really a mandala which I hope my niece will find of use for her coffee table...perhaps๐ŸŒผ

Little one revived.

I found this little one looking in a rather sorry state in a local supermarket and it had been reduced in price. I really dont think it had much life left in it.  Anyhow I bought it,watered and put it in a cosy sunny place by the window and it has come back to life again.

I have looked on google but as yet have not found what plant this is. It has lovely furry thick leaves which remind me of primrose leaves but thicker. 

Please don't  tell me it is a weed!

Replies to comments on my previous post completed

Happy Blogging

Amanda :-) ๐ŸŽ€


  1. I have seen that plant before but I don't know what it is, your mirror turned out perfect! good job Happy midweek

    1. Thanks Kathy. After so much hesitation on the colour to use on the mirror I am glad I finally chose a paler version of bronze. A x

  2. The leaves remind me of a begonia plant, not sure what kind. At first, an African violet, then a plant with a pepper name. Not sure what it is.
    The Mirror is Beautiful! You did a very good make-over. Noted on the use of clear nail polish.

    1. Curious I thought African violets first of all but couldn’t find any images on google with leaves so brightly coloured. A x

  3. Mirror looks brilliant, i to have seen this plant or something like it but can’t remember where or what it was but I’ll keep my eyes open as alway your crochet is so lovely xx

    1. Thank you ๐Ÿ˜Š I enjoyed using fine thread again for the crocheted doilies. It has been a while. A x

  4. The plant could be a coleus. The mirror looks great. I admire your fine crochet work.

    1. Thanks for your help. I don’t often get a chance to do fine crochet so my niece’s request was a delight to receive. A x

  5. The plant looks familiar Amanda but I'm not too sure what it is ... perhaps from the Peperomia family I think? The mirror looks much better after its revamp. I think I would've been tempted to paint it cream & then lightly distress some of that fretwork around it to make it stand out. But that's me ... I want to paint everything cream ๐Ÿ˜‰

    1. Thank you Julie for your help with the plant. cream for the mirror did occur to me but I didn’t think it looked good against the pale blue wall. ๐Ÿ˜Š It is at least better now than the dingy aspect it had before ๐Ÿคฉ. A x.

  6. It's great to upcycle something! I'm not sure about the plant either, possibly a begonia or a pilea or pepperomia or coleus (but the leaves are longer in your plant). I don't think it's a weed. You'll just have to grow it on and see if it flowers. Keep us posted on its progress.
    Best wishes

    1. You were right Ellie it isn’t a weed ๐Ÿ˜€. A x

  7. As always, your work is wonderfully conceived and brillaintly executed.

  8. I had a similar plant but unsure of its name. Funny lovely leaves!

  9. Fabulous Mirror ๐Ÿ˜€ That plant looks a bit like one I had a million years ago no name.

    1. Finally found out the plants name and shall post about it on my blog ๐Ÿ˜Š. A x

  10. You've done a beautiful, creative work on the mirror and your crocheting is so delicate. It'll be interesting to see how the plant develops. The crinkly leaves are unusual.

    1. Thanks Linda P :-). I see it belongs to the nettle family but without a sting LOL! A x

  11. According to google lens, it's a Pilea involucrata or friendship plant, it says it's a bushy trailing plant so look after it Amanda it's a keeper. Your mirror is genius well done you have a flair for restoration and how nice that you were able to use the flower that your grandmother had made now every time you look at the mirror you will think of her. The doily's are really pretty I'm looking forward to seeing the big one when it's finished. Have a lovely weekend. xx

    1. That's just brilliant Linda. I have been able to look it up now and see how to take care of it in this climate. It is even called the same "La planta de la amistad",the friendship plant . Finished the mandala its turned out bigger than I thought :-). A x

  12. Super result with the mirror, so satisfying to restore a treasured piece. Love the finished doilys, very pretty. Can´t help with the plant but just spotted that you have, be interesting to see how it grows, take care xcx

    1. Thanks Christie. I really hesitated about the colour to use to revamp the mirror. Actually a paler tone of bronze was my first choice. I should have gone by that at the beginning and would have saved so much time. ๐Ÿ˜€. A x

  13. Many thanks for your help identifying the plant. I must admit I like to add,where possible, some of my Gran’s or Mum’s crochet . It is much better than storing all these treasures away. A x


Thank you for your comments. I do read them and try to reply to all as well.Please keep them coming. Amanda :-)