Crafty in the Med

I am here to enjoy meeting other bloggers and to share my love of craft ,mostly crochet, my thoughts and my daily happenings here in Alicante,Spain, my adopted country. I belong to a local choir because singing and music makes me happy. Flea markets and book shops are two of my favourite places to be. I read lots......sci´fi/fantasy,buried treasure, and off world adventures. I have a passion for history! I walk and walk and walk for about 10 months per year during the hot months I swim.

Wednesday 6 April 2022

This and That

Spring in this part of Spain

This is the avenue I cross over frequently to go to our small shopping centre in this neighbourhood. 
Incidentally my US followers may find that the name of this neighbourhood that we live in rather curious as it is called Florida Sur. 
I don’t usually take much notice of my surroundings when I am off to those shops as everything is so familiar but on my way back home I turned the corner back into this avenue and was struck at how lovely it looked,so green (it's been raining lots ☔) and the blossom on the trees makes the avenue look really colourful. 


Do you remember Lenny Boy? My sister's dog and how much he prefers to ride on the bus than walk! 
I posted about him here.

He is as lazy and cheeky as ever! My sister NΒΊ 4 in the UK sent me this picture as he was waiting for the bus. He not only loves riding by bus but he likes to be the first on too. No way would he stand in the queue behind the young man who was waiting and first in the queue! My sister had to apologise to the young man and explain that Lenny is just making sure he does get on the bus and that he is the first on. When he gets on the bus he makes a beeline to the seat that has a heater and curls up by his human's feet.

I am cutting this post a little short as I have been having backache for the last couple of days and it gets painful to sit at my computer for long.  I woke up shivering with cold the other night and I think that is the cause of these aches and pains.   I am pretty sure it will go away soon.

happy blogging

Amanda 🌧


  1. Lenny boy sounds like a real character. Hope your back is soon on the mend, back problems are painful and annoying in equal measure.x

    1. Very irritating but somewhat better now thanks. A x

  2. Prayers you feel better
    Sitting at the computer, a small footrest helps me feel comfortable, and takes pressure off the back of my legs. Lovely photos. Happy Spring!

    1. Thanks for the advice. I will keep that in mind. I have a stool which I think will be perfect as a foot rest. A x

  3. A legacy of names has been left all around the world because of those who once ruled the lands and its people. We don't usually think about it but it's proof that we are all connected and language is shared. That Lenny sure is a hoot. Hope you get to feeling better soon. Take care.

    1. Very true! It is quite curious indeed how names of places come about. In many places in the UK names of places originated from the Viking invaders. A x

  4. Sorry to hear you're not feeling well - I hope your back will feel better soon. Lenny dog looks very sweet. The blossom is really pretty.
    Best wishes

    1. Lenny is such a nutty dog but very lovable :-). A x

  5. I'm sorry your back is acting up. I hope it will be better very soon. Lenny sounds like quite a character. He definitely knows his wants doesn't he?
    I've always wanted to live in an area that I could walk to the shops. I think that's part of why I so enjoy our visits to London and Japan. They have the same type of neighborhoods. No car is necessary at all. I met people in Tokyo that had never left their neighborhood in their entire life. Doctors, dentists, food, hardware, etc. is in every neighborhood throughout the city. It's wonderful! Here in the U.S. you drive everywhere. My dream is to live in a small village in the U.K. somewhere.

    1. That dog certainly has a mind of his own! I would love to visit Japan. It is a very interesting culture. USA is similar to Australia then as you have to use a car practically everywhere. The bus service isn’t very extended and it’s a long distance from stop to stop. A x

  6. Sorry to hear about your backache Amanda, I hope it gets better soon. That's a lovely Avenue so pretty with all of the blossom on the trees. I think Lenny is very very clever dog who wouldn't want to curl up beside the heater. Take care of yourself and try a heat pad or hot water bottle for your back. xx

    1. Hot water bottle in place Linda. I so agree with you heat works wonders for these sort of aches and pains. A x

  7. Lenny looks like a sweetheart for sure that is kinda neat that dogs are allowed on the bus.
    Beautiful photo of your shopping area-hoping your back feels better soon

    1. Many thanks Kathy. Dogs aren’t allowed on public transport here. I dread to think what would happen in the U.K. if they banned dogs on public transport. More than 50% of the population are dog owners 🐢 A x

  8. That dog is too smart and so cute.!! Hope you are on the mend! Oh and your f1owering trees are gorgeous.

    1. Thanks Kathy. Lenny has a mind of his own 🐢😊. A x

  9. Love hearing about Lenny. May this find you feeling better xoxo

  10. You live in a lovely neighbourhood, Amanda. So nice to see trees in bloom!

    1. It has improved a lot recently as they have been mending pavements and the road. It was a bit barren before! A x

  11. Funny story about Lenny.

    Hope you are feeling better soon.

    1. Many thanks Dee. Lenny is a real character 🐢. A x

  12. Lenny must be a good companion and quite a character. I haven't been posting regularly. It's good to hear from you and I hope you feel better soon.

    1. Many thanks Linda. I see my GP this Wednesday so hopefully I will get it sorted. A x

  13. Love your blog as always. Where you live has changed a lot but is looking really lovely xxxx

  14. How is your poorly back today? Hope it's not too bad and you can enjoy a walk while that blossom is looking so pretty.

    1. I hope so too. Not so bad thanks Cherie. I am taking pain killers which help although they make me feel a bit groggy! I still get twinges so it hasn't gone away yet. Doc has also prescribed muscle relaxants. A x

  15. I hope your back is better by now. . .

    It's so true that we miss a lot when going about a routine day. "Head up, eyes open," I have to tell myself.

  16. Replies
    1. Many thanks Jill. Much better since I have been taking the prescribed pain-killers. A x


Thank you for your comments. I do read them and try to reply to all as well.Please keep them coming. Amanda :-)