Crafty in the Med

I am here to enjoy meeting other bloggers and to share my love of craft ,mostly crochet, my thoughts and my daily happenings here in Alicante,Spain, my adopted country. I belong to a local choir because singing and music makes me happy. Flea markets and book shops are two of my favourite places to be. I read lots......sci´fi/fantasy,buried treasure, and off world adventures. I have a passion for history! I walk and walk and walk for about 10 months per year during the hot months I swim.

Friday 20 July 2012


When she rings the door bell its like a celestial "ting".

I am beginning to see my postwoman in a different light!   I see this soft pink hue around her as she comes towards me while I wait in the doorway...she knows me now too ....she calls me Amanda and she says good morning to me. I've noticed recently her intonation has changed as she says the countries my parcels are from ...there is a questioning tone as she says from the UK? or USA? and the other morning a very clear query as she said another from Australia.... a big one this time!!!

For those of you who do not know what the the jar of love swap is pop over to Katie at Booty-ful things  she is the instigator (in the nicest sense of course ) and the hostess of this swap.
My Swap partner is  Sandi who lives in Melbourne Australia....yes..... just a little way away..... over the pond!!! LOL!

and I received my jar of Love from Sandi on Wednesday morning 17th July!!!!!!

 and I've been dying to get in here to tell you about it.

I am amazed at how Sandi got so much in this medium sized jar and just look at the just know there has got to be something special inside......and there was!!!

Isn't it great!!! Sandi had this wonderful idea of winding crochet cotton around the jar and there is lots of it ...and I'm going to use it of course. That isn't all ,a lovely Navy blue ribbon too!

and here you are ALL the things that were in the jar...hard to believe that all this fitted in that jar but they did and also a bar of dark chocolate butttt that disppeared very very quickly I'm was just too nice!

Where to start:

There were 25 items in all!!!.....
  • a lovely lacy bookmarker and crochet dish cloth that Sandi made herself.
  • a felt rose
  • a crochet heart...of course..why didn't I think of that!!!(which Sandi made)
  • a bar of dark chocolate (ancient history now!!!)
  • Lychee flower Body butter and skin conditioning oil......uuuuu I'm going to pamper myself!!!
  • a little pink book with lots of flowers,glittery bits and lace to decorate it myself
  • an emery board in its own box (brill! that's gone in my handbag already)
  • nice smelly candle "dusk Parisan" ........oh lรก lรก ... best keep that for the right moment
  • beautiful lace in a creamy beige colour with 4 fantasy pins
  • Embroidery floss
  • fancy tape measure...rather a nice one actually
  • a filet crochet pattern
  • and....hold on to your,pearls,sapphires, exotic jewellery and the Kohinoor  of the whole treasure trove was this beauty!

and its all MINE!!!

THANK YOU! THANK YOU!THANK YOU SANDI at this moment you are my favourite person!

I'm convinced that Sandi is a SURE candidate to win Katie's competition connected to the swap....Sandi don't forget to enter I think you stand a very good chance of winning it! :-)

Welcome welcome to my new followers Fiona at KnitKnatKnotUK, Barbina at Little things made with Love , Alessandra at Homemade at my place and Melissa at Lazy Daisy Crochet ....thank you for joining me here and don't be a stranger, I love to hear from you :-)

Happy weekend folks

Amanda :-)


  1. You lucky thing...I love getting good stuff in the post, a whole jar of good stuff would really make my day :o) Hope you are having a lovely weekend..x

  2. Oooh lovely! The postman only brings me bills!

  3. So much crafty goodness all in one jar Amanda!...How lovely to open it and find all those treasures...
    Hope you have a lovely weekend,
    Susan x

  4. What lovely beautiful things, hard to believe all that was in the AND chocolate, you lucky thing Amanda but you deserve it, genius idea the winding of cotton on the jar with ribbon brilliant! Have a great weekend! we have sun!!!yay I'm off out before it disappears:)

  5. Oh what lovely things. I'm all ready to send mine off to my swapper. I hope she like hers as much as you've enjoyed yours, especially that chocolate. Have a lovely weekend. Ali x

  6. Wow, you did well, you lucky thing!
    Victoria xx

    1. It was wonderful Victoria
      Thanks for visiting :-)


  7. I can see why she is your favorite person in the world, lovely gift.

    1. It was really great Christmas in the summer!!!

      A x

  8. I have just posted about a blog award, you are one of my nominations xx

    1. Thanks that's very good of you...I'm off to look see on your blog

      A x

  9. PHEW!!!!! so glad you liked the jar of love. I had so much fun tucking things in corners (sort of corners) and was very happy about how much I could get in for you to explore. I was a little worried that the chocolate might melt, but sounds like the only melting it did was in your mouth :)
    xoxo Sandi

    1. I did and very very much!!!!!The chocolate had not melted a bit ....all that way but in a few mins it was gone...yum!

      to say thank you doesn't seem enough!!

      A xx

  10. You lucky duck! I bet that was fun to open.

  11. It was Lena....such an enjoyable moment taking out all those little things one after the other. I was amazed at how much Sandi had been able to get in that jar!

    Many thanks for visiting and your comments

    A xx

  12. I want to do this! How fun!!! You received such lovely little treasures.

  13. I want your postie to knock on my door!!!

    1. I'll tell her sure .....she'll fancy a trip to your place! LOL:

      A xx

  14. Jar of love, hope this can be done again. Love it!

  15. It is so fun to see what people have received in the jar swap :) Wow, she sure did manage to fit a lot in your jar! What lovely pressies...
    Have a lovely day today!
    Magie x

    1. Its fantastic isn't it......I just didn't expect so much!

      Thks for your comments Magie

      A xx


Thank you for your comments. I do read them and try to reply to all as well.Please keep them coming. Amanda :-)