Crafty in the Med

I am here to enjoy meeting other bloggers and to share my love of craft ,mostly crochet, my thoughts and my daily happenings here in Alicante,Spain, my adopted country. I belong to a local choir because singing and music makes me happy. Flea markets and book shops are two of my favourite places to be. I read lots......sci´fi/fantasy,buried treasure, and off world adventures. I have a passion for history! I walk and walk and walk for about 10 months per year during the hot months I swim.

Thursday 10 December 2020

I do it like this.

 This is the way I am doing it.

I have got myself somewhat organised and into a routine where blogging is concerned and I hope to keep it up.   

  • One post a week usually Fridays.
  • Replying to all comments received on the new post throughout the week and complete before posting the next new post that following Friday
  • Posting comments on all blogs on my blog list as they update throughout the week (if humanely possible).       * some of you post daily I can't keep up with that... sorry *


 Do hope you will be able to see this video. It is very short


Last Tuesday was a fiesta day here (The Immaculate Conception Day) so we went for a morning stroll...nay I tell a lie that wasn't a stroll more like a fight against the arctic wind to get from one end of the Arenales beach promenade to the other.  Such a clear beautiful day marred by the vicious wind and annoying sand grit thrown in our faces. 

We gave up in the end!   Only just took a couple of photos this time.


True story and a legend that goes like this:

On my last post I showed you a door to the Mansion Casa Carbonell and I mentioned  I would get back to you about a legend and totally true story about this building and has become quite a popular anecdote about its owner and how the building came into existence.


 Alcoy, is a mountain town situated in the province of Alicante. A town historically linked to industry; textile,metal and paper. Alcoy is about an hour's car ride up into the mountains; roughly 50 miles away from Alicante City. The wealthy industrialist Enrique Carbonell who owned the Casa Carbonell Mansion was from Alcoy.   

Enrique Carbonell


 As in-land Alicante and most particularly up in the mountains the winter months were quite cold and the weather could be really harsh, Enrique Carbonell decided to buy a residence down on the coast to enjoy the milder weather during the winter.





 During his visit to the city he had a minor accident and his clothes got dirty and stained so he decided to take a room in the best hotel in Alicante city to tidy himself up ,change his clothes and spend the night there.  At that time (1920s) the Palace Hotel was known as the very best hotel in the city (see photo below).

Palace Hotel 2017

Rather to his surprise the snooty staff on the reception of the Hotel had a rather violent reaction to his requesting a room at the hotel!  After a huge argument with the hotel manager they threw him out of the hotel door indicating that vagabonds like him could not afford to stay at the best hotel in Alicante!!  Enrique's last words to the hotel manager and staff were that he would build a house that would cast a shadow over the Palace Hotel forever.!!  The staff naturally scoffed at him and sent him on his way.     

Coincidentally,at that time, on the right hand side of the Palace Hotel there was a very large plot of land that had housed the old market which had fallen into disuse.

 Enrique Carbonell purchased that plot of land and had the Casa Carbonell Mansion built there.

 and ... as you can see in this photo, from 1922 onwards the Casa Carbonell Mansion has cast its shadow over the Palace Hotel to this very day. 

I would say the moral of this story is clearly described in this idiom:    

" don't judge a book by its cover "  😡



Christmas cards in disguise:

  Christmas card incognito.. a mini Christmas pudding for my other sister who lives in the UK.


Have a good weekend

keep well

Amanda :-)









  1. Love the twinkling Christmas tree and the pudding "card". You may have been sand-blasted on your walk, but I envy you those beautiful blue skies! Your story about the mansion and the Palace Hotel reminded me of the Palace Hotel where I live. The legend goes that the owner had it built for his wife, but the builders built it facing away from the sea instead of facing it. He is supposed to have killed himself because he was so upset. His ghost was alleged to haunt the hotel, and many, many years later when it was being demolished, the lift was said to go up and down even though the cables had been cut. Make of that what you will! xx

    1. Hi HH, Fascinating legend about your Palace Hotel...very creepy though! Have they built anything in its place? A x

    2. Yes - it's now a housing estate. I've never heard of any of the houses being haunted though! xx

  2. helloooo, I'm one of those every day posters, but I really don't mind if you don't comment every time, it's good just to know someone out there in blogland is actually looking at my photos (I don't often do many words these days) x x x
    My Spanish geography is sadly lacking, but I spent a lovely few days on a bucket list trip to Barcelona in February this year, just missing lockdown by the skin of my teeth. Absolutely loved all the Gaudi architecture.

    1. Thanks for stopping by :-) Barcelona is a fabulous city! I remember visiting it some years back and was very impressed with Gaudi's creations. Personally I think his art is out of this world and his Basilica The Sacared Family which still isnt finished is fabulous. A x

  3. That is a great legend and serves the Palace Hotel right! I love your Christmas pudding 'card'.
    Best wishes

    1. Thanks Ellie. I totally agree with you...stupid people! A x

  4. The plum pudding is beautiful, very nice ornament.
    The hotel story is precious.
    Your blog schedule is reasonable.

  5. Good Morning Amanda. I think your blogging idea sounds perfect. I'm usually only a once a week blogger myself but I accepted a challenge from a friend to blog each day in November and I have the stockings this month. After Christmas though, I'll most likely be back to once a week. Please never feel you have to comment every time. It's just good to keep in touch with you.

    I loved the story of the hotel. It's so true. I had a similar story about a family friend. Long story made short. They were millionaires several times over but back in the 70's dressed simply. Art in bib overalls and Millie in polyester pantsuits! Unfortunately their house burned down. They had another one built and went to a furniture store to buy an entire house worth of furniture. They couldn't get anyone to wait on them. They chose all of the furniture, writing it all down and then found a salesman (who worked on commission). Art had to practically chase a salesman down. Then he showed him the list and it amounted to well over $50,000. That was a LOT of money in the 70's. The salesman scoffed and said they could never afford that and wouldn't be able to get financing for that much. Our friend. (Art), pulled a HUGE bundle of cash from his pocket and said he wouldn't be financing. The salesman was so excited until Art put the money back in his pocket and said they wouldn't be buying from him though, and they went to another store where they ordered everything on their list! Never, ever, judge a book by it's cover!
    Sorry, I didn't mean to write a book! Have a great day Amanda.

    1. Fascinating anecdote Betsy!! It reminds me of the Pretty Woman film when they wouldn't serve her in the boutique because she looked cheap. It happens too often unfortunately...just teach that salesman right though taking it for granted Art & Millie couldn't pay ..huh! keep well Amanda x

  6. aw your sisters gift is beautiful!

    1. Thank you Kathy! I think she will like it better than the traditional Christmas card. A x

  7. What a pretty, sparkly tree you have! It was fun to hear your voice. The windy walk sounds cold! I enjoyed hearing about the man who was treated badly at the hotel.. is his home still a private residence? I heard once that you can tell the quality of a person by how they treat waitresses and service people. Too bad there are so many people who are judgmental of others. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

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    *M*E*R*R*Y* *C*H*R*I*S*T*M*A*S*!*
    ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉

    1. Thanks Teresa! I was just trying out a very short video clip really to see if it worked this time! Perhaps I will be able to do a long video clip next time. The top of the mansion was his private residence. All the rest he had made into apartments(6 bedroom ones) and sold them off. Strange my dad used to say the same about how people treat waitresses and service people!! stay safe Amanda x

  8. Your photos are beautiful Amanda & I love the sweet wee pudding your sister sent you. I try to post weekly but lately my posts are all over the place & I do not know how folk post daily - I never even want to try!!!

    1. Thanks Julie. I do like making something instead of sending a card last year I sent a Christmas flower but this year I thought my sister would like the Christmas pudding for her tree instead. I do enjoy reading blogfriends daily posts but I just can't manage replying to each one. A x

  9. You live in such a lovely part of the world and that pudding card is gorgeous. xx

    1. Thanks Joy. I must say I do prefer sending something made instead of a card but I can only do that with my sisters (there are 6 of them) the rest of the family have to make do with cards. A x

  10. The Christmas pudding is so cute your sister will love it, I think your blogging plan more or less is the same as mine for now, I think when covid is a distant memory and things are back to normal I may not have the time to devote to blogging as I have now but then looking back a few years I used to blog 3 times a week and I was working! I loved that story and your tree is very pretty. It's been so cold here too this past week much nicer to stay indoors I'm not brave enough to go out when it's freezing cold and windy. Have a lovely week.xx

    1. Thanks Linda :-) Why do you think I married a Spaniard from a hot part of the country...Ha! Ha!!! No snow here ever and the cold can't compare with the freezing cold weather in the uk :-) A x

  11. Hello Amanda, nice story: you should not judge someone by their appearance !!
    I also try to blog every week and that works quite well.
    Sometimes I react a little late, there is so much to read.

    1. Thanks for dropping in Loes :-) Yes...just like you sometimes other things crop up and I cannot reply or post as planned but I shall try to keep to my new routine now. A x

  12. It didn't look at all windy from your pictures. Can't judge a picture unless you are really there I guess. Very interesting story.

    1. I only just managed to take those 3 snapshots during a lull....very deceiving really a few minutes after taking the photos we were holding on to the posts to drag ourselves back to the car. A x

  13. Wonderful story :-) And pictures look so inviting, are you sure it was windy? ;-)
    After many years of blogging, I often do struggle to post, it seems that over the years I have exhausted many subjects. And this year there have been so few occasions for new experiences to share. Hopefully our lives will become more interesting again next year .....

    1. Thanks for stopping by :-) It really was. Look at the dark photo, the clouds and the palm trees in the distance and that was taken when there was a bit of a lull. I do find it difficult to find different things to write about too. I think I might do a questions post next week...perhaps something to do with Christmas. I have seen other bloggers do it and its a good way to get to know actual blogfriends a bit more. A x

  14. I finally put up the tree this weekend, not feeling the yule-tide vibes just yet, but my youngest son and his gf were but due to the amount of uni work they are still doing they have been so busy I thought I would decorate the tree. It has helped somewhat with those missing festive feelings!!

    1. I am sure you'll feel the Christmas vibes soon Hawthorn especially as there is so much Christmas loveliness to inspire you on blogland. A x

  15. Good for Enrique! That's a great story. And your Christmas tree looks fab. Ours isn't up yet, we'll do it next Monday to mark the solstice by bringing in the light. I might be feeling a bit more festive by then. x

  16. I'm rather late in commenting but better late than never. I like your twinkling tree and it was fun to hear your voice on the video clip. The Christmas pudding ornament is great and your sister will love it! :)

  17. Never late Linda :-) I love the pudding too I am thinking I will make one for myself!! :-) A x


Thank you for your comments. I do read them and try to reply to all as well.Please keep them coming. Amanda :-)