Crafty in the Med

I am here to enjoy meeting other bloggers and to share my love of craft ,mostly crochet, my thoughts and my daily happenings here in Alicante,Spain, my adopted country. I belong to a local choir because singing and music makes me happy. Flea markets and book shops are two of my favourite places to be. I read lots......sci´fi/fantasy,buried treasure, and off world adventures. I have a passion for history! I walk and walk and walk for about 10 months per year during the hot months I swim.

Wednesday 16 February 2022

I swear it´s telepathy!

 Is there such a thing as sibling telepathy?

" Great minds think alike,though fools seldom differ"

I have recently been reading several articles on sibling telepathy. In fact I have been meaning to post about this for sometime but frequently pushed it out of my mind thinking that the connection we seem to have my sister and I have is just a load of giant coincidences and I am being too fanciful. 

They say that it is pretty common that twins have this type of connection however, my sister Nยบ4 and myself we aren't twins. I have also read that close bonded relatives are in some cases more in tune with each other than with other relatives. They indicate that as you share the same genes then brain patterns will be very similar too.    

I just know that the saying "great minds think alike" comes into its true meaning as far as we are concerned. 

Many of these minor coincidences happen quite frequently:

  • about to contact and I suddenly receive a whatsapp
  • forecasting reactions 
  • a feeling we need to contact
  • finishing sentences .    
  • come out with same words or ideas. ..  and so on

Now how has the idea to post about sister telepathy come about! Well when I consider all the other incidents and the times we have agreed mutually and jokingly that we are constantly on the same wavelength this most recent experience has made me think there just could be some connection.

This last coincidence...yes I say coincidence because this may be me being over-imaginative.

Our bedroom blind  was looking really tatty so I ordered a new one online a few days ago. The blind was delivered on the Thursday. This is the one I chose and is now in place in the bedroom.

We,sister Nยบ 4 and yours truly, were chatting via Whatsapp the Thursday evening (the same Thursday I received my blind) and she tells me she has bought a blind for the bathroom.  She then sent me photos of her new blind.

It is all about leaves...right!        Now then I call that one big coincidence!

I have no intention of delving into telepathy myself or trying it out as indicted on this webpage.

I just find it extremely curious the numerous amount of coincidences between my sister and myself which occur frequently.  

All the same, I thought I would post about it in case there are others out there in blogland who have these same sort of experiences which some call sibling telepathy.

Thomas Ra

In case you have forgotten or not heard of who Thomas Ra is or where he lives this post here explains all.  
 Poor Thomas Ra he is exhausted and rather put out! 

All this patrolling his apartment and checking his humans are behaving as they should in his presence and are diligently taking care of his welfare is tiring work.  Unfortunately they, his humans, do seem to be forgetting certain privileges he has established one of which his right to use the comfy stool on the balcony whenever he should feel so inclined. The lady human is breaking the rules as she keeps sitting there to drink her morning coffee and this mostly happens each morning precisely when he feels the need to take in the fresh morning air and to hear the birds chirping.   
Today he beat her to it but he is going to have to make it clear that the comfy stool is his and must be given over to him when he so desires.

Thomas Ra 

Replies to comments on previous post completed. ๐ŸŒป

Happy blogging

Amanda ๐Ÿ˜Š


  1. A lot of coincidences happen to me and my youngest sister too...telepathy or same taste not sure, but it certainly makes for some interesting conversations.

    1. Many thanks for dropping by :-) Very true. We often reminiscence my sister and I about the umpteen times we seem to be on the same wavelength. A x

  2. Brilliant blog really loved reading it xxxx the cat is lovely funny how they can take over xxxxx

  3. Replies
    1. Don't they just Kathy! I do believe that cat must have been a Moghul emperor in another life. LOL! A x

  4. I found your post really interesting because my daughter and I had a strange experience in January.I had been in my craft room just looking through my craft books and spotted two I had on Bargello/Florentine mbroidery.I got them out and an unfinished piece fell out.So I thought that would be something to do.I hadn’t looked at these books in years.A week later it was my birthday.What did my daughter buy me but a Bargello kit!!!She had never heard of it before (she is not crafty) but found it on a site called sewinspiring.She hadn’t been in my house so couldn’t have seen the books out.
    What are the chances of that.Got to be some telepathy there.Quite freaky really.

    1. Many thanks for dropping by and commenting. What a curious experience. It does indeed sound as if you had connected up. Mind you I am convinced that Mothers are on the same wavelength as their children. A x

  5. Cats always have the best places to sleep - their humans get in the way a lot!
    Best wishes

    1. Ha! Ha! According to Thomas Ra they certainly do but they have to be there punctually to feed him. He is such a whiner if he doesn't get his meals on time! A x

  6. That does sound like you have a connection and I smiled at the blind story. I seem to have the same connection with my husband. We often know what the other one is thinking and finish sentences, etc.
    Thomas Ra, I love that name. Cats do feel entitled don't they? Obviously he is a happy boy.

    1. Thomas Ra is so lucky. He is tremendously spoilt by the two humans in his house, LOL! Talk about global mind reading. It seems to be happening all over. A x

  7. Replies
    1. One of many: Sir Thomas,Whinger,The Pashรก and several more in Spanish. He is a cat of multiple personalities. LOL! A x

  8. Myself and my work wife as I call her decided we are just like sisters. We always finish each other's sentences and if I had a pound for every time I said Great minds think alike,, Id be a multi squillionnaire! I don't do this so much with my real sister as I don't see her daily, but we will often text each other at the same time. I think this type of thing is fascinating x

    1. It is fascinating,isn't it? It really shouldn't surprise me anymore after all the mind reading experiences we have had my sister and I over the years. Nevertheless it does but I wouldn't change it at all as I like to think we are connected. A x

  9. I've had telepathic incidences quite often with my second son, and also a close friend.

    1. I have to say I believe! It happens just too often for it to be a coincidence. A x

  10. I totally believe that there is some connection between certain people Amanda your story speaks for itself, love the new blinds by the way. My daughter will call me out of the blue and ask me what's wrong because she can sense something isn't right and I can usually sense when she isn't happy about something too, I also believe in synchronicity, you can call things coincidences but it happens far too often for it to be just that. Poor Thomas Ra he has a lot to put up with haha. Take care. xx

    1. I believe more than ever now Linda after reading all these comments from other bloggers. I like to think anyhow that I have a tele-pal as well as being my sister :-). A x

  11. I guess Thomas Ra will adjust to sharing in one of his 9 lives, but maybe not this one.
    You and your sister are tele-pals. Some folks I have known were close to my wave length. Others were as well, but I was not on theirs. :)

    1. I rather think we are...tele-pals. I do like that expression. A x

  12. I'ma great believer in telepathy and think close friends can share a similar experience. I'm often able to sense that something is wrong but never know what it is or who is affected by it until news filters back to me after the event.

    1. Very interesting responses from quite a few bloggers. It seems after all that telepathy is quite a common experience among siblings ,friends and relatives. A x

  13. Amazing! A lot of coincidences happen to me everyday too! Both blind are so beautiful! Have a great day, Amanda! ๐Ÿ’— ๐ŸŒฟ ๐ŸŒธ ๐ŸŒฟ

    1. Thank you Anabelia :-) There seem to be a lot of bloggers who have experienced these type of coincidences. It has been interesting to read about them. A x

  14. For years, Rebecca and I have experienced these telepathic experiences, turning up in similar clothes or colours, a sudden urge to contact, thinking of making a call and getting one instead, we even have bought the same birthday and celebration cards, thinking and suggesting something to find the other one has thought of it too. Comforting. Had to smile about the cat, having 8 we have similar experiences, with looks of reproach if we move of change something xcx


Thank you for your comments. I do read them and try to reply to all as well.Please keep them coming. Amanda :-)